AI Strategy & Design Sprint

A decade of experience in delivering AI solutions packed into a function process

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One Universal Process
10 years in the making

Gauss Algorithmic has been successfully delivering AI solutions since 2013 at scale to both startups and some of the worlds largest enterprises. Building up on that experience, we've designed our own process to help build a strategy around AI, map opportunities, de-risk, and plan for execution. See how it works:

Gauss Algorithmic's AI strategy and innovation framework visualised

Don't stand still in the AI era

Our process helps you solve the most common blockers preventing your organization from becoming AI-driven. In our experience, companies usually end up in at least one of these following situations:
Trying to keep up with latest AI
Aiming too high while lacking the expertise.
Getting stuck on data
Doing nothing until the data is "clean".
Trying to make models too perfect too soon.
Ignoring user experience
Not testing early in the real world.
Not considering process change
Trying only to fit AI into an existing process.
Find a solution
AI sprint packages

Choose the approach that fits your needs

We offer three package options of AI strategy and design sprint - ready for any companies of any size and any level of AI ambition.

Paperplane - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

AI Opportunity Mapping

Define your AI ambitions and map opportunities.

(2 weeks)
2x 4 hour workshops
Opportunity mapping
Basic roadmap presentation
Plane - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

AI Strategy Sprint

Create a strategy. Test the feasibility of your opportunities.

(1 month)
Stakeholder interviews
Feasibility study
Technical & business oriented
Small scale validation
Strategy guide & report